
To provide the best personalized and individualized mediumship experience possible.

Whether a mediumship reading, mentoring, classes, or courses, the goal is to address each in a customized way.

The focus is bringing mediumship into reality in whatever form, all three of us together… you, me, and spirit.

The Why

I do what I do because I desire people to know that our loved ones who have left this physical existence are still with us and want to continue a relationship. I hope to inspire and help others connect and communicate the love within us all. To help people realize we are not alone. We are energetically bound in love and by love. Once this is accepted as a reality, it will be a game changer in terms of quality of life.

About Marie

Marie Hess has been providing mediumship readings for the public since 2019. She initially started her development in 2017. She also teaches evidential mediumship online via classes and individual mentoring.

She believes in the power of spirit to bring hope, healing, inspiration, joyfulness, and love to those who want or need their messages.

She knows that EVERYONE can connect with spirit and does connect to spirit, whether they are aware of it or not. She has trained and continues to educate herself extensively in mediumship and consciousness studies. She also continues to develop her skills to raise the standard in mediumship and teaching. Her love for people and spirit is evident in her communication and instruction.

Marie has spent most of her career working in helping professions. She became an Occupational Therapist in 1998 and has a clinical background in different areas such as brain injury, coma emergence, mental health, and stroke rehabilitation. In 2019, she also became certified in hypnotherapy.

Marie has a unique approach to mediumship that sets her apart. She combines psychology, neuroscience, and quantum physics concepts to make mediumship more accessible, relatable, and practical. She also incorporates after-death communication research and consciousness studies into her teaching. She aims to help people understand mediumship better and provide a more client-centered approach to readings and teachings.