The Myth of Being Blocked - Simple Solutions

Question: I have been studying and doing mediumship for years now. There are still times that I am unable to make a link or feel as though I am blocked. By now, I thought this would not be present in readings. Is there anything else I could do to strengthen the link or unblock myself? I have done all the traditional things that people have suggested, such as meditating more, opening chakras, sitting in power, taking a break from mediumship, sage my environment, and so on. None of this appears to be helping. Any suggestions would help. Thank you.


Answer: Thank you for your question. I will answer this question from a couple of different angles. Ultimately, it would be best for me to see your work in the moment to see what may happen in real time. Based on what you have stated you have tried, I will look at this differently than what you may have heard before.

I sometimes hesitate to use the word blocked because it can have many meanings for different people. Some people use the word blocked if it is something outside themselves happening, the spirit is doing something to them, or they need to clear something from themselves energetically. None of these things I have found to be the case, and it is usually a much more straightforward mechanic.  

Wording Evidence

The most common reason I have found working with students why a sitter doesn’t take evidence is how the medium has worded the evidence. I would anecdotally say this is probably the issue in readings 90% of the time. I tell students that the information is correct if you are in the link. I have no doubt it is accurate. It is usually the student that second guesses themselves. However, how the medium worded the information does not resonate with the sitter. Wording evidence is an art form on its own. Unless you have had someone help or instruct you how to word and re-wording evidence during a reading, you may assume you are wrong.

Receptive State – Alpha Brain Wave State

The other common reason a medium will feel blocked is their need for receptiveness. When I talk about the receptive state, I mostly talk about an alpha brain wave state. Few studies have been done on the brain during a mediumship reading. In the ones that have been done, we know that the medium is in an alpha brain wave state (sometimes the upper Hz of theta have been measured, but for simplicity of discussion, we will stick to alpha throughout this response). Alpha waves are when you’re not focusing too hard on anything. Whatever you’re doing, you’re probably feeling relatively calm and relaxed. I often refer to mediumship as merely alpha with a target, the target, in this case, the spirit communicator.

If you are in a self-conscious mode or problem-solving mode, you are no longer in alpha; you have entered beta. Beta brain waves are the most common type of electrical activity in our brains when awake. They accompany those times when we are alert, focused, and mentally active, including periods where we are talking and engaging in conversation, thinking logically and analytically, problem-solving, focusing mentally, and learning new skills. High beta is associated with significant stress, anxiety, paranoia, high energy, and high arousal. Beta and high beta do not allow for spirit information to come through.

For evidence to be received by the nervous system of the medium, the medium must be in the light-aware trance state of alpha. If you are not in a brainwave state of alpha and have instead entered beta, it will feel as though nothing is coming through, and you are just spinning your wheels and ultimately want to end the reading because the sitter doesn’t understand. Feelings of frustration, anxiety, self-consciousness, etc., are all associated with beta and high beta.

The quickest way to slow brain waves is to take a deep breath. Slow, deep breathing stimulates the vagus nerve, which runs from the brain to the abdomen and turns off the fight or flight reflex. The vagus nerve uses the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which activates your parasympathetic nervous system's relaxation response to calm you down. Closing your eyes can also help get you back into the receptive state. When you close your eyes and focus on relaxing, the alpha range of brain waves typically becomes dominant.

There are other mechanisms I discuss with students, depending on the situation, to get back into the receptive state or back into the link, but these are good ones to start with and are easiest to implement.  

Managing a “No”

The other issue is that the medium doesn’t know how to manage a “no” from the sitter in a reading. The most common problems are that the medium does not know how to reword the evidence in a way the sitter understands, the “no” stimulates an automatic response by the mind to go into beta to problem-solve the evidence, or they don’t know how to go back to the spirit communicator to get further information to help with the evidence that has already been presented. These common issues are all skills that must be learned when doing a mediumship reading if a medium wishes to have greater flow and stay in the sweet spot of the alpha brain wave state.

I hope these few suggestions help, based on what you have been told already, and I hope you can implement them to see if they work. Again, it would be best to see what is happening during a reading to diagnose what may be going on in the moment properly. Hopefully, this will give you something to experiment with.

Much love to you and warmest regards. Happy practicing and developing.


Everyone is a Medium - Part 1


I Want To Believe