Everyone Is A Medium - Part 2

Myth #2 - It is Harder to Connect and Communicate With Your Loved Ones in Spirit

When I began developing mediumship seriously by taking classes, one of the things that almost every tutor and teacher said was that connecting to my loved ones in spirit was harder. As I went on in my development, I accepted this as a fact. However, as I started doing readings and working with clients, spirit was conveying something completely different to my clients. Spirit kept telling them they were connecting and didn’t need me to have that connection. This was a shocker based on what I had been taught. Why was this coming through in readings?

I understand now what teachers and tutors were saying. They said it is harder to be EVIDENTIAL when connecting to your loved ones, which is true. People know their loved ones, likely backward and forwards. Getting information about them that you don’t know could be challenging but not impossible.

However, connecting to your loved ones isn’t more difficult. It is MUCH easier and more accessible for you to connect to your loved ones than any medium. Your connection with your loved ones is for you and doesn’t need to be evidential. It is personal and your connection, your relationship.

Spirit resides beyond space and time. Some scientists now theorize that thought is faster than the speed of light. This makes complete sense if you think about how mediumship works. Once you set your intention and attention on your loved one, the connection and communication happen. No matter what your brain tells you (i.e., you are making this up, you are crazy, this isn’t real, etc.) and what it is talking you out of. The connection is there.

Even while we are here and carry a physical existence, there is no separation—quantum entanglement is starting to prove this concept. You are the source of the communication that sends the signal to your loved one across space and time. The energy that you are using and connected by is love. Despite our societal and cultural aversion to using the word love, we are all love.


Love is the energy we are working in when we do mediumship. Whether the medium lets that in or not or expresses it in readings or behavior is another issue. Every human being can cut themselves off from the total experience of love.   However, please make no mistake: this is the energy we are connecting in.

Love energy is also a common theme in the research into near-death experiences. When interviewing people with near-death experiences, “love” is the most used word to describe the experience, even more so than the proverbial tunnel of light.

A research study done by the Windbridge Institute also validated the concept of love and spirit communication. They did a study comparing a psychic reading versus a spirit reading under blinded conditions. In their reports of accurate mediumship readings, the mediums experienced greater love when connecting to the spirit communicator. This was documented as being statistically significant compared to the psychic.

Thus, love is inherent in the communication. You have a greater love connection to your own family or friends in spirit than any medium. That love energy and connection will be much stronger.


Intention is another needed component for readings. Without a doubt, people who have lost a loved one will set a powerful intention to their loved one for communication, more so than a stranger or a medium.

Several intention experiments have been done on how powerful intention, the mind, and consciousness can be.

One example of an intention experiment is the water purification experiment. In this experiment, Lynne McTaggart worked with a team of scientists to test the power of mass intention to purify water. The team set up two identical beakers of water, one as an experimental sample and the other as a control sample. The experimental sample was sent with the specific intention of purifying the water, while the control sample was not sent with any intention. The experiment results showed that collective thoughts can change subtle properties of water and purify it. This is just one example of the many intention experiments that have been conducted to test the power of collective thoughts to change the physical world.

Another interesting intention experiment involving baby chicks and a random event generator was conducted by French researcher Rene Peoc’h. For his study, Peoc’h built a special type of random event generator: a computerized robot that would turn randomly as it moved around an arena, going right 50 percent of the time and left 50 percent of the time. The robot was placed in an arena with a group of newly hatched chicks imprinted on the robot as their mother.

The chicks were kept in a separate compartment, where they could see the robot but not touch it. The experiment showed that the robot moved towards the chicks more often than expected by chance, suggesting that the chicks’ intention to be close to their “mother” had influenced the robot's movement.

I tell students if a ity-bity baby chick can use their ity-bity chick brains to draw a computerized robot to them, I have zero doubt that when they set their intention and attention on a spirt communicator, they have made the link. Spirit wants to make the link and communication. They are joyous over the opportunity to connect with their loved ones! After that, it is just trying to word evidence in a way that the sitter understands.

Connection is Happening

I want to let you know that you are connecting and that your loved ones want to connect with you. Again, principals in consciousness studies and quantum physics lend themselves to this conclusion. The concept of we are all connected, we are all one reveals itself to be scientifically true.

You don’t need a medium to have a continued relationship with your loved one. I understand that getting validation from a medium is nice to support what you are experiencing. It can also help to confirm what your brain may be talking you out of. My hope is that you know, like I know, you loved ones are with your and relish the opportunity to continue the relationship with you.


Mediumship Is Not Magic - Part 1


Everyone is a Medium - Part 1