Mediumship Is Not Magic - Part 1

The Science Of Mediumship

Sir Arthur Charles Clark was a science fiction writer, futurist, inventor, science writer, and a television series host.  He co-wrote the screenplay for the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. This film is widely regarded as one of the most influential films of all time. It was nominated four Academy Awards and won and Academy Award for visual effects.

Arthur C .Clarke also formulated three adages called Clark’s Three Laws. The laws paraphrased are:

1.       When someone states something is impossible, they are very probably wrong.

2.       The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.

3.       Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

All of laws outlined by Clarke are relevant to mediumship and mediumship development.  However, the one I will focus on most Is Clark’s third law. 

Clark gave an example of his third law when he described e-readers or Kindle readers.  He said, “…while he would have believed anyone who told him back in 1962, there would one day exist a book-size object capable of holding the content of an entire library, he would never have accepted that the same device could find a page or word in a second then convert it into any typeface and size...”

In The Wizard of Oz, the wizard fakes the all-powerful wizard role using a machine. To the inhabitants of Oz, the Wizards' technology appears to be magic.  But to the viewer watching the movie, it’s clear that it’s just technology.

Many modern medical technologies would seem magical to people in the past. For example, we can now look inside the human body without surgery using technologies like MRIs and CT scans. We can cure diseases that were once thought to be fatal.

 Even most recently, the idea of quantum computing, artificial intelligence, or machine learning is beyond anything we could have envisioned.   Even with science and math explaining the concepts of these two modern technologies, to many, It appears magical, even eliciting fear in some segments of the population.

I understand that mediumship isn’t a technology, but it has a scientific basis. There is no math equation for mediumship or instrumentation to measure it. There is, nonetheless, science at hand.  The nice thing about science, while not perfect or infallible, it allows concepts to be more relatable and understandable.  Mediumship involves the concepts of neuroscience, neurophysiology, phenomenology, cognitive psychology, qualia, quantum mechanics, quantum physics, quantum biology and electromagnetism.  These are a lot of sciences and areas of study, and they rarely get discussed in terms of mediumship and mediumship development. However, let’s open that discussion.

Mediumship And The Subconscious Mind

If we are going to bridge the gap and the separation that currently exists in terms of the physical and non-physical, there is no better place for this to happen than in terms of evidential mediumship.  As developing mediums, you have an opportunity to bridge the divide in terms of demystifying and making mediumship more relatable and less magical to not only potential clients but to the people you interact with.

Let’s start off with some neuroscience, psychology, and likely quantum physics in terms of how evidence is received from the spirit communicator. What I tell students and clients is that spirit is an intelligent energy and a loving energy.  We are the same loving and intelligent energy at the heart it.  The human body perceives energy through the mechanism of the nervous system.  This is the instrument that Spirit utilizes for communication to occur.

Spirit also uses the mechanism of the subconscious mind.  The subconscious mind has been discussed and debated over the years since the time of Dr. Sigmund Freud. For the purposes of this discussion as it relates to mediumship. We will refer to the subconscious mind as the part of the mind that is not in a state of conscious awareness.  It contains memory banks, thought generators, emotion generators, sensory input controllers, and autopilot storage (habits).

The memory bank is exactly as it sounds. This is where your memories are stored based on your own life experiences.  Thought generators are thoughts that are produced based on the information stored in the memory bank.  Emotion generators are the emotions and responses to the thoughts.  The sensory input controller controls the input of information from the five senses.  Autopilot storage is where habits or automatic programs are stored.

Most of our interaction throughout the day Is through the subconscious mind.  Ninety-five percent of what we do is through the mechanism of the subconscious mind.  That means the subconscious controls 95% of our behavior, decisions, and emotions. We are on autopilot unless we decide to use the 5% of our conscious mind to reprogram the subconscious mind to alter the direction. Spirit does not access the 5% of our conscious mind.  It cannot, as the conscious mind involves decision-making, problem-solving, and controlling many voluntary bodily movements.

How Spirit accesses the subconscious mind requires mediums to be in a receptive state.  How I describe the receptive state, is the alpha brainwave state. Alpha brain waves are a type of brain wave that occurs when you’re awake but not really concentrating on any one thing. In other words, they are associated with a state of wakeful rest.  The brain is active but relaxed.  They are typically dominant during quietly flowing thoughts and in some meditative states.

There have few studies done on mediums during mediumship readings with electroencephalograms (EEG’s). The research has shown that those mediums, when delivering readings, tend to be in an alpha brainwave state and the upper ends of theta present. We commonly refer to a receptive state for mediumship as an alpha brainwave state for discussion and simplicity. 

When you are in this receptive state, the subconscious mind is easily accessible, and the mind is more passive.  Again, spirit is energy, and the nervous system interprets that energy.  Neurons or nerve cells fire to stimulate memory through a process involving electrical impulses called action potentials. Researchers have found that there are distinct firing patterns of individual neurons that the brain uses when memories are replayed.  This replay of unique firing patterns occurs milliseconds before the memory is consciously recalled or brought into the person's awareness. This means the spirit is using your receptivity to fire the neuron, to recall that thing they need you to say that relates to the spirit communicator and that the sitter will understand.

As I tell students and clients, getting the information isn’t the hard part. It is WORDING the evidence that is the key. I do not doubt that when you are in the receptive state and have your intention and attention on the spirit communicator, the action potential that has been fired in your brain is accurate. They are bringing into your awareness that memory, word, or sensation that allows for communication with their loved one.  After that, it is just a matter of allowing continued information to come through and wording evidence in a way the sitter/client understands.

Part two of this topic will explore the complexities and nuances of wording and language and how this is the biggest culprit in mediumship regarding landing evidence with a sitter.


Mediumship Is Not Magic - Part 2


Everyone Is A Medium - Part 2