Mediumship Is Not Magic - Part 2

Wording of evidence

In an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Captain Picard and counselor Deanna Troi discuss negotiations that need to be taken with another alien race. This in itself is not unusual for a Star Trek episode. However, the conversation involves the obstacles and challenges of communication dealing with an alien race. The parallel in context to challenges is much like mediumship. Counselor Troi states, “The fact that any alien race communicates with another is quite remarkable.” It is also amazing in terms of spirit communication. The ability to bring through evidential information that a client/sitter understands is genuinely miraculous.

She explains that there is typically some point of reference in which communication can begin with an alien race. This is also true for mediumship and readings. In mediumship, the point of reference is the subconscious mind and the file cabinets of memories and experiences from which the spirit Communicator chooses. In part one of this blog, I discussed in detail how the subconscious mind and spirit works and a mediumship reading.

The file cabinets in our mind from which spirit has to choose for us to say that thing they need us to say is at least relatable, unlike that of alien negotiations and diplomacy. We all have points of reference from which the spirit communicator can typically choose to tell their story. After that, it is just a matter of wording the evidence in a way the sitter understands. This is an art all on its own.

Complexities of Communication and Linguistics

I often joke with students that they think they are learning about spirit and mediumship. However, they are really learning about communication and linguistics.

Linguistics and communication are deeply intertwined. Language is the primary vehicle of communication for people, no matter what culture or country a person is from. However, as stated previously, spirit isn’t using language when communicating with you. Even a clairaudience message is not a true conversation in the traditional sense. As mediums, it is our job to make the symbols, memories, impressions, and feelings and mush them all together in a way that is evidentially understandable and relatable to the person in front of us.

This is primarily the challenge in mediumship and mediumship development. All too often, especially in the beginning stages of developing, the medium assumes that they are wrong. It isn’t that they are wrong; they have just worded the information in a way that the sitter doesn’t understand.

In an example of how limiting and tricky language and communication can be, Counselor Troi holds up a clear cup of hot tea (Earl Gray, I am presuming) and says, “Systhmariuth”. She then proceeds to ask Captain Picard what she just said. Captain Picard in good fashion says “cup” then pauses for a moment, then utters “glass”. She points out she could have ment liquid, clear, brown. or hot. None of these descriptions that Counselor Troi or Captain Picard expressed are inherently wrong.

Being Flexible In The Moment

When receiving information from the spirit, nothing you get is inherently wrong, either. I know that the information is correct with every fiber of my being when you are in the receptive alpha brainwave state and have your intention and attention on the spirit communicator. The challenge is translating that information in a way the sitter understands.  

As humans navigating a physical environment with an adaptive brain built for survival, we conceptualize our world and our experience with words, labels, and symbols. These are all fair game during a mediumship experience. The medium needs to be flexible in the moment to work with the spirit communicator to find a way to word the evidence based on further information coming through the subconscious mind.

Students put so much pressure on themselves to be “right,” which can be compounded by a teacher or tutor who may also expect the same thing. Wording evidence “wrong” is how you will eventually learn to word it correctly regarding the sitter/client's understanding. It is much like learning a foreign language. No French teacher expects the student to speak fluent French during the first year of learning. I implore you not to be so hard on yourselves! To expect to speak fluent spirit in a short period will suck the joy from developing mediumship. Doing and learning mediumship should be a joyous experience!

Again, receiving evidence is the easy part. Communicating what you are receiving is the lynchpin of mediumship.  Communication, even outside the mediumship, is key in keeping relations going and preventing misunderstandings. Would you give up on the conversation with your family or friends just because they didn’t understand?  Hopefully not.

People with good and healthy communication skills would do something to help and bridge the gap of miscommunication. They help simplify wording and ideas and give context with analogies or relatable life experiences. Thus, if you have an awareness that your communication skills in life are challenging, (outside alien diplomacy and communication) consider this as an adjunct to your mediumship development. I guarantee healthy and effective communication skills will not only help in your mediumship but will overflow into all aspects of your life. As they say, this is a win/win and ultimately will overflow into your life and personal relationship dynamics.  


Managing “No’s” During Mediumship Readings - Part 1


Mediumship Is Not Magic - Part 1